Hope For Hallie is a public charity that was founded in memory of Hallie Christine Jackson in 2020. Hope For Hallie is dedicated to changing the narrative around mental health and instilling hope in adolescents. This is accomplished through four key pillars: Connection, Awareness, Resources, and Education (C.A.R.E.).
Hope For Hallie understands the importance of networking and building alliances with mental health providers, support resources, and other non-profit organizations. This strategy is instrumental in forging partnerships that empower Hope For Hallie to realize its mission.
One of Hope For Hallie’s primary commitments is raising mental health awareness through both formal and informal education. They take an active role in teaching the community how to identify individuals who may be struggling with mental health.
Hope For Hallie provides an array of resources, offering timely and significant mental health and suicide prevention support to adolescents, schools, families, community members, and mental health professionals. They’ve also established a Scholarship Program to give teenagers free access to professional mental health counseling.
Hope For Hallie actively strives to generate meaningful connections within the community, region, and nation, thus preserving and promoting Hallie’s legacy of connecting with others. We’ve successfully reached over 150 thousand people and supported over 230 individuals directly.
Several events are hosted throughout the year to both raise awareness and gather funds for their programs. Some of these include a Color Run, an annual Candle Light Vigil, Annual Hallie Jackson Memorial Golf Outing, On Angels Wings Rides for awareness, Virtual Mindfulness Meditation sessions, and many more.
The organization has been recognized for its outstanding commitment and dedication, receiving awards such as the Award for Outstanding Commitment & Dedication from Delco Suicide Prevention & Awareness Taskforce, M.E Carpenter Appreciation Award In Recognition of Dedicated Work for Suicide Prevention, and The Community’s Foundation – The Community’s Impact Award.
Hope For Hallie is making a significant impact in the fight against suicide among teenagers, a problem that has tragically surpassed cancer as a leading cause of death among this demographic in the United States. Their commitment to transforming the conversation around mental health and to building hope for adolescents remains unwavering, and they are continuously seeking help and support to further their cause.
Hope For Hallie is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. © 2025 - Site by Pixel & Hammer